AALA Review Update
Update on the review of AALA following the HSE Board meeting on 12 September 2018
SAAF & Scottish Government Open Forums on the Review of AALA February 2018
The Scottish Adventure Activities Forum will be hosting three National forums supported by Scottish Government. We would welcome anyone to attend. Please note, with reference to the new proposals from the HSE review, one of the options may impact on activities and activity providers who previously were not required to obtain a licence. We would urge […]
- Create a ‘complete’ map of the Outdoor sector in Scotland.
- Aid funding and government engagement.
- Aid cross sectoral engagement/collaboration.
- Basis for further research, more detailed mapping.
- Strategic level – representative organisations that are engaged at a significant level in a particular aspect of the outdoor sector.
- Scottish Remit – organisations that are UK wide are only included where they have significant activity or representation in Scotland.
- Groupings – represent the major areas of engagement across the outdoor sector in Scotland.
- Position of organisations – organisations are positioned where their primary engagement lies. Recognising that many organisations have engagement across several groupings. Any organisation only appears once on the map.