AALA Review Update
Update on the review of AALA following the HSE Board meeting on 12 September 2018
SAAF & Scottish Government Open Forums on the Review of AALA February 2018
The Scottish Adventure Activities Forum will be hosting three National forums supported by Scottish Government. We would welcome anyone to attend. Please note, with reference to the new proposals from the HSE review, one of the options may impact on activities and activity providers who previously were not required to obtain a licence. We would urge […]
Welcome to SAAF
Scottish Adventure Activities Forum
SAAF provides a forum for the exchange and sharing of information and views relating to the Adventure and Outdoor Activity sector in Scotland.
It aims to embrace the widest possible range of providers and interested parties by drawing its members from a diverse spectrum.
SAAF Aims:
i) To promote the advancement of public participation in sport and outdoor activities
SAAF works with relevant partners to improve access to outdoor facilities and the outdoor environment for the Scottish population. This is achieved through active dialogue for the outdoor, adventure and activity sector in Scotland. Linked to this dialogue is actively identifying areas where there are difficulties and challenges and working with partners to address those issues.
ii) To promote the provision of outdoor recreational facilities, or the organisation of outdoor recreational activities
SAAF achieves this goal by working with partners, such as local authorities, other charities, companies and Scottish Governing Bodies of sport to identify opportunities for greater access to the outdoor environment and facilities.
iii) To promote the advancement of environmental protection or improvement
SAAF is keen to engender a more sustainable and environmentally aware workforce and for participants in outdoor activities to understand the impact that they have on the outdoor environment. As part of this work, SAAF intends to provide opportunities for education as well as guidance.
iv) To promote the advancement of health and education
SAAF recognises the difficulties that many people in Scotland have in accessing exercise, and in looking after their mental health. SAAF works with partners to increase awareness of the power of the outdoors in addressing physical and mental health, and the opportunities available to the Scottish population through campaigns and projects.
v) To deliver any other purpose that may reasonably be regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purposes
SAAF responds to consultations and campaigns to ensure that the voice of the outdoor sector is heard whenever possible. SAAF also liaises with UK organisations to assist with the implementation of any UK wide initiatives and ideas. SAAF provides advice to the Scottish Government, the Health & Safety Executive and other agencies on issues in the outdoor sector.
Find Out More About SAAF:
click here for more information about SAAF