AALA Review Update
Update on the review of AALA following the HSE Board meeting on 12 September 2018
SAAF & Scottish Government Open Forums on the Review of AALA February 2018
The Scottish Adventure Activities Forum will be hosting three National forums supported by Scottish Government. We would welcome anyone to attend. Please note, with reference to the new proposals from the HSE review, one of the options may impact on activities and activity providers who previously were not required to obtain a licence. We would urge […]
The next stage of the AALA review, which seeks views via a discussion document, is now live until 9th March 2018.
Don’t assume that this will not affect you if you are not a current AALA licence holder.
Part of the discussion relates to the option of extending the scope, ie range of activities, so it may be useful to have a look at the documents and see how it could affect you in the future.
Furthermore, you should understand that the decisions reached will be as a result of all comment received and the responses will not be weighted in any way. So if you have a view then you need to respond, don’t assume someone else will respond for you !!